Prahllad Deb
Contact Details
Prahllad was a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel prior to joining IIITD. In 2020, he received the degree of Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata after completing MS at Indian Institute of Science and B.Sc. at Jadavpur University. His research interests, broadly speaking, lie in the field of multivariate operator theory and its connection with complex geometry. He is also looking forward to pursuing his research on the applications of reproducing kernels and differential geometric techniques in studying problems in computer vision, data analysis, etc. Apart from practicing Mathematics, he likes to spend time by playing table tennis, cooking, painting, travelling, etc.
Major themes of his current research interests are: Free noncommutative (NC for short) function theory, homogeneous Cowen-Douglas operators and differential geometry.
Research Interests
Free noncommutative (NC for short) function theory
Homogeneous Cowen-Douglas operators and differential geometry
Teaching Interests
Real and complex analysis
Linear algebra
Representation theory of finite groups
Functional analysis and Operator theory
Differential geometry and topology
Algebraic topology
Geometric group theory
Complex geometry
Noncommutative analysis