Manohar Kumar
Contact Details
Manohar Kumar has a PhD in Political Theory from LUISS University Rome and has held Postdoctoral positions at IIT Delhi and GREQAM, Aix Marseille University. He is the co-author with Daniele Santoro of Speaking Truth to Power. A Theory of Whistleblowing. His works have appeared in Philosophy and Social Criticism, International Journal of Social Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Critical Criminology, Law and Philosophy, Economic and Political Weekly, and in edited volumes of Routledge. He is currently editing a book project on Social Scientists in the Civic Space (with Arundhati Virmani and Jean Boutier) slated for publication in 2024 by Routledge.
Research Interests
Moral and Political Philosophy
Applied Ethics
Civil Disobedience
Democratic Secrecy
Digital Ethics and Ethics of AI
Epistemic Injustice
Teaching Interests
Social and Political Philosophy
Applied Ethics
Moral Philosophy
Ethics of AI