Message from Director

Prof. Ranjan Bose (Director)

Message from Deans

Prof. Pushpendra Singh (DoAA)
Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (DoSA)
Prof. Mukesh Mohania (DIRD)

Message from Alumni

Dr. Venkatesh Vinayakarao (Ph.D. - Class of 2018)

Vahini Ummalaneni (B.Tech. - Class of 2018)

Message from Ph.D. Advisors and Faculty Members

Prof. Pankaj Jalote (Distinguished Professor)
Dr. Sujay Deb (Associate Professor - ECE)
Faculty Coordinators (Student Mentorship Program)

Dr. Shobha S. Ram (Associate Professor - ECE)

Prof. Alexander Serebrenik (Professor, TUE, Netherlands)
Well-being Cell